Governor Bruce Rauner announced that companies and individuals interested in expanding demand for food and other products using Asian carp caught in Illinois waters are invited to apply for grant funding to assist their marketing efforts. Grants are now available through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ (IDNR) Asian Carp Market Value Program (MVP) to support current Asian carp processors and product-makers in expanding existing markets and developing new markets and sales opportunities for Asian carp products. Federal funds dedicated to preventing the spread of Asian carp are being used for this new business development initiative. Funding is limited for this initial effort, and a steering committee has been established to aid in reviewing applications and awarding grants. As part of the IDNR Asian Carp Market Value Program, grants of up to $8,000 per applicant are available (with a 20 percent match by the applicant) to reimburse recipients for business travel expenses and attendance at trade shows and conferences associated with market development and sales of Asian carp products. Eligible applicants are those currently operating Asian carp fish processors and product makers that have sales of Asian carp products over some or all of the last year from date of application. Applicants also must have purchased Illinois-caught Asian carp over the same time period. More information on the Illinois Asian Carp MVP initiative is available online at
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