State Representative and Chicago Mayoral Candidate La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago proposes moving city elections to weekends in warmer weather. Though more than 1.4 Million Chicagoans are registered voters, Chicago only had 483,000 vote in the last mayoral election, for a turnout rate of 34 percent. To increase voter participation, Ford suggests that Chicago elections move from Tuesdays to the weekend. “Weekend voting will increase accessibility, engagement, and turnout,” said Ford. “Countless other developed nations around the world currently hold elections on weekends. Chicago is known as The Windy City and our winters sometimes can be cold. For years, Chicago voters have complained about weekday winter elections. To increase voter turnout, this must change in Chicago.” Though some participate in early voting, there are still many Chicago residents who miss voting on election day. School and work responsibilities are just some of the reasons that Chicagoans miss voting. Ford believes Chicago’s elections should be convenient for voters to increase voter turnout. “Here in Chicago, a weekend election day in warmer weather would create a fair and accessible path to the voting booth that ultimately benefits our democracy and benefits us all,” said Ford. “In today’s society, this proposal just makes sense for all Chicago voters.”
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