The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) on Wednesday finalized its recommendation to Governor JB Pritzker and the General Assembly for a statewide public education budget for fiscal year 2020. ISBE calculated the cost of putting each child in the State of Illinois on the path to success. ISBE’s total FY 2020 budget recommendation of $19,314,873,800 represents 425 requests from communities around the state, gathered over a month of public hearings, as well as evidence showing what children need for long-term social and economic success. Each line item reflects the State Board’s equity values and beliefs, supporting each child’s right and ability to learn and the State’s ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities to set high expectations and ensure every student achieves success. The recommended investment fulfills the state’s constitutional mandate to assume the primary responsibility for funding public education in Illinois. All but two counties in Illinois currently have at least one school district funded at a level below 90 percent of adequacy. The recommended budget would ensure that every student, regardless of their ZIP code, receives the access and opportunity they deserve and that every community benefits from thriving public schools at their centers. The recommended state investment in public education would result in every school district having full funding with local, state, and federal funds combined. View the total budget recommendation at
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