Triton College Launches PEPA Academy March 6, 2025
Artistas Adolescentes Aprenden el Valor de un Arduo Trabajo
Artists Nationwide
Brazilian Students Tour Kirie Water Reclamation Plant
Challenges of Returning to School in Adulthood
Chicago Air and Water Show
Chicago CPS
Chicago Dream Act
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Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
Dream Relief Chicago
El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal
Estudiantes Brasileños Recorren la Planta de Reclamación de Agua Kirie
Feria de Regreso a la Escuela de la Rep. Berrios
Festival Unísono en Pilsen
Grant Park Spirit of Music Garden
ICIRR Receives Criticism Over Dream Relief Day
ICIRR Recibe Críticas
Jose Cuervo Tradicional
José Cuervo
José Cuervo Tradicional Celebra la Cultura Latina e Inspira Artistas a Nivel Nacional
Latin Culture
Los Retos de Volver a la Escuela Cuando Adultos
Meijer Abre sus Puertas en el Distrito de Berwyn
Meijer Opens in Berwyn District
orth side Summer Fest on Lincoln Ave
PepsiCo Foundation Apoya Futuros Periodistas Hispanos
PepsiCo Foundation Supports Future Hispanic Journalists
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Teen Artists Learn the Value of Hard Work
Terminando el Verano con el Pie Derecho
Unisono Festival in Pilsen
‘El Chente’
One the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising
By Daniel Nardini
Taiwan, not being under the rule of the People’s Republic of China (Communist China), has had the Dalai Lama visit Taiwan several times—the last time being in 2009 on the fiftieth anniversary of the Tibetan uprising. Will Taiwan grant the Dalai Lama a visa to visit Taiwan this time? That remains to be seen. One thing that is not in dispute is that no matter how much China may protest this, Taiwan has the right and the power to make its own decisions. This is what frustrates China most. They want to control and rule Taiwan just like it does with Tibet, but so far it cannot. It has threatened Taiwan with force, but such a move would probably bring in the United States and Japan into a conflict that could spark World War III. Tibet, on the other hand, is firmly under Chinese control and there is nothing that the world can do about it. The Chinese government is settling tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese in Tibet to make sure that Tibet never becomes a separate country again. Why is this important to us here in the United States? Because the Chinese government is building a powerful armed force that can launch thousands of submarines and thousands of battleships against us. If it can project naval power against Taiwan it can project naval power against the U.S. territory of Guam and even against Hawaii. The Tibetans discovered too late what Chinese Communist aggression means, and this is something we should as a people also bear in mind.