On Wednesday, sixteen freshly elected aldermen introduced a new ordinance for a Civilian Police Accountability Council into the City Council. Over 60,000 people have signed postcards addressed to their alderman demanding passage of the CPAC ordinance. Aldermanic candidates endorsing CPAC garnered over 176,000 votes. Mayor Lori Lightfoot has announced she will drag out a thoroughly discredited proposal for civilian “oversight.” By supporting the GAPA ordinance, she is ignoring the democratic demands of the people for community control of the police. At more than a dozen public hearings last year attended by more than a few thousand people the overwhelming cry was for an all-elected civilian police accountability council (CPAC) to replace the existing corrupt Police Board, Civilian Office of Police Accountability and the CPD Internal Affairs Division. The movement for CPAC has been the longest and most massive movement for community control of the police in the history of Chicago. Public support for CPAC has been overwhelming. CPAC has an average greater than 1000 supporters in 25 Wards and hundreds of supporters in all 50 Wards. The people are tired of meaningless “oversight”. The people want control over the cops in their communities. The people want #CPACNOW.
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St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations March 13, 2025
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Brazilian Students Tour Kirie Water Reclamation Plant
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Chicago Air and Water Show
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Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
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El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
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