Free Healthy Meals Available to Illinois Students, Families During the Summer

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) will provide healthy meals and snacks to children and teens age 18 and younger at hundreds of sites across Illinois this summer. Families can find their nearest summer meals site by calling (800) 359-2163, texting “FoodIL” to 877-877, or visiting Hunger touches every community in Illinois. Only 12 percent of children who receive a meal at school during the school year in Illinois receive an SFSP meal in the summer, according to the Food Research & Action Center. Illinois’ summer meals programs rely on community organizations, school districts, and other sponsors who are dedicated to ending childhood hunger in Illinois. The Food Depository’s Lunch Bus provides summer meals as part of the Summer Food Service Program. This summer, the Lunch Bus will travel to 15 sites on three routes throughout Chicago and the suburbs every summer weekday. All participating SFSP sponsors must provide free meals to all sites that meet income eligibility. Income eligibility can be determined through school attendance area data, census data, or household eligibility data. Contact ISBE at (800) 545-7892 or at for possible alternative methods to meet site eligibility or for additional information.

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