State Rep. Lamont J. Robinson, Jr., D-Chicago, used this Spring session to fight for a fairer tax system, expand access to job training and child care, create economic opportunity, and protect vital health care services for minors and women. Robinson backed a Fair Tax, which requires millionaires and billionaires to pay their share and provide modest tax relief to 97 percent of working families. Illinois’ tax system is among the most unfair in the country and working families bear too much of a burden, which is why Robinson fought to make the wealthiest pay their fair share so we balance the budget and fund critical services like health care for seniors.
Committed to expanding access to health care, Robinson backed legislation to protect health care coverage for Illinoisans with pre-existing conditions, as well as legislation to prevent excessive premium hikes. Robinson sponsored Senate Bill 2026, which keeps Illinois from entering into waivers being pushed by the Trump Administration that would expand plans that cover less and cost more. Robinson also stood with all women in Illinois by voting to pass Senate Bill 25, the Reproductive Health Act, which protects the fundamental rights of women from extremist politicians in states like Alabama and Georgia. Additionally, Robinson led the charge on expanding access to preventive health care by passing House Bill 2665, which allows minors over the age of 12 to receive HPV vaccines, be prescribed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, as well as contraceptives without parental consent.