City Launches Vacant Lot Beautification Pilot Program on South and West Sides

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Heartland Alliance’s READI Chicago program and Urban Growers Collective announced the launch of Grounds for Peace, the City’s new vacant lot beautification pilot program designed to restore 50 city-owned residential vacant lots on Chicago’s South and West sides. The pilot program will provide skill-oriented job training and development experience for 50 participants employed by READI Chicago, who will be trained to landscape, plant and provide maintenance for lots in North Lawndale, Woodlawn and Englewood. Inspired by successful programs in other cities with urban gun violence and large concentrations of vacant property, Grounds for Peace is designed to engage community members in reclaiming spaces that have contributed to violence. Grounds for Peace will leverage Heartland Alliance’s innovative response to gun violence, READI (Rapid Employment and Development Initiative) Chicago, which is currently providing therapy, jobs and support services to over 500 men from communities that have been highly impacted by gun violence. Through Grounds for Peace, approximately 50 READI Chicago participants will have an opportunity to learn and practice new skills like landscaping, planting, and property maintenance in North Lawndale, Woodlawn and Englewood. For more information and a map of all 50 city-owned Grounds for Peace lots, please visit

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