Microsoft has recognized J. Sterling Morton School District 201 as a Showcase School, which is an elite group of schools that exemplify the most exceptional teaching and learning in the world. Morton 201 is now a leader that is paving the way in the twenty-first-century education in the world today. Just six years ago, Morton District 201 became a one-to-one technology school, and within this time frame, Morton has been recognized multiple times for being a leader in innovative education through the use of technology. This past summer, Morton’s own Instructional Technology Director, Samantha Skubal was featured by Microsoft Education and named a Change Maker in Education at the Hack the Classroom event during the ISTE 2019 conference. Ms. Skubal was one of the pioneers and developer of the Tech Service Internship program (TSI) in our district that has prepared thousands of students for the future by graduating from high school with real-world tech experience. On their award letter, Microsoft stated that they were chosen as MIE Experts because they are self-driven, passionate about their work, have a true collaborative spirit, and strive to inspire students with outside-the-box thinking on technology in education. Only twelve educators from the entire state of Illinois were given the MIE Expert distinction, and two of them are from their district.
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