Triton College Launches PEPA Academy March 6, 2025
Artistas Adolescentes Aprenden el Valor de un Arduo Trabajo
Artists Nationwide
Brazilian Students Tour Kirie Water Reclamation Plant
Challenges of Returning to School in Adulthood
Chicago Air and Water Show
Chicago CPS
Chicago Dream Act
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Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
Dream Relief Chicago
El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal
Estudiantes Brasileños Recorren la Planta de Reclamación de Agua Kirie
Feria de Regreso a la Escuela de la Rep. Berrios
Festival Unísono en Pilsen
Grant Park Spirit of Music Garden
ICIRR Receives Criticism Over Dream Relief Day
ICIRR Recibe Críticas
Jose Cuervo Tradicional
José Cuervo
José Cuervo Tradicional Celebra la Cultura Latina e Inspira Artistas a Nivel Nacional
Latin Culture
Los Retos de Volver a la Escuela Cuando Adultos
Meijer Abre sus Puertas en el Distrito de Berwyn
Meijer Opens in Berwyn District
orth side Summer Fest on Lincoln Ave
PepsiCo Foundation Apoya Futuros Periodistas Hispanos
PepsiCo Foundation Supports Future Hispanic Journalists
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Teen Artists Learn the Value of Hard Work
Terminando el Verano con el Pie Derecho
Unisono Festival in Pilsen
‘El Chente’
Did Frida Kahlo Know About Communist Crimes?
By Daniel Nardini
What we should know is that Kahlo joined the Communist Party of Mexico in 1927, and through that party had met her fellow artist and soon husband to be Diego Rivera. They got married in 1928, and both believed that socialism was the wave of the future. At first, they had sided with the Communist revolutionary Leon Trotsky, but when Trotsky had a falling out with Rivera, both Rivera and Kahlo sided with Stalin. To the end, Kahlo remained a committed Communist, and at her funeral a Communist flag lay over her body. It would not be until the late 1950’s and 1960’s that any hint of Stalin’s crimes would come out. The famous book, The Great Terror by Robert Conquest, was not published until 1968, and the Kremlin archives which revealed the full extent of Stalin’s crimes were not available until after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990’s. Frida Kahlo was very much a product of her time, and for better or worse was heavily involved in the political left because like everyone else had little to no idea what was really taking place under Communism in that time period.