Northwestern Pritzker School of Law has joined the first large-scale collaborative effort designed to create a more diverse and inclusive legal profession. Diversity Lab, an incubator for innovative ideas and solutions that boost diversity and inclusion in law, along with several law firms, more than two-dozen general counsels, a cohort of community leaders, and Northwestern, the sole law school partner, launched the Move the Needle Fund (MTN) — a first-of-its-kind experimental “laboratory” in which new approaches will be incubated over five years in five law firms to serve as a model for the legal industry. The goals, detailed on, include retention of diverse lawyers; access to career-enhancing work experiences, clients and sponsorship; and advancement to leadership. According to Diversity Lab, despite efforts by industry stakeholders over many decades to diversify the talent pool from law students through law firm and legal department leadership, “the needle has hasn’t moved far enough fast enough.” The investment also will be used to implement Diversity in Law Hackathon ideas, and test evidence-based research such as the bias interrupters from the ABA and Minority Corporate Counsel Association study, as well as other inclusion research from top academics at Northwestern Law, UC Hastings, Harvard and MIT.
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Chicago Air and Water Show
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Cultura Latina
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Dream Act
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El Alma de la Fiesta
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