With affordable housing under siege in Chicago, Spanish Coalition for Housing is excited about a recent opportunity that will help make affordable housing a reality for its clients. Earlier this summer, Chicago Housing Authority opened its application process for the Property Rental Assistance (PRA) program, which allocates Project Based Vouchers (PBV) to new developments and existing, well-managed properties. Through the vouchers, rent is capped at 30-percent of the residents’ income and the difference of the market-rate rent is provided to the landlord through PRA funds. Therefore, by opening the application process, more landlords and developers will have the opportunity to offer high-quality, affordable housing to eligible Chicagoans.
Spanish Coalition hosts a variety of workshops for renters and property-owners as part of Community Alliance, the CHA’s Diversity Outreach Initiative. Through these workshops, SCH has educated more than 4,700 individuals through the workshops, and over 1,400 individuals have taken action from SCH’s outreach efforts, such as applying for senior housing, applying or updating housing assistance applications and creating Section 3 profiles in the CHA portal, which identifies low-income individuals who can benefit from HUD-financed employment and economic opportunities. SCH staff invites anyone with questions to call, email or visit one of the three offices for dedicated service and assistance. (Main Office: 773-342-7575, 199 N. Pulaski Road; Pilsen Office: 312-850-2660, 1915 S. Blue Island; Southeast Office: 773-933-7575, 9010 S. Commercial).