Illinois Department of Insurance Releases 2020 ACA Health Insurance Marketplace Rates

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

On Monday, the Illinois Department of Insurance released the health insurance rates and analysis for the Illinois Exchange 2020 Plan Year. The Illinois on-Exchange marketplace has five carriers offering health insurance plans, including Quartz Health Benefit Plans Corporation, a new company on the Illinois On-Exchange market this year. Multiple plans are available in all 102 Illinois counties, and in most counties, consumers have more than one carrier to pick from. Overall, premium rates are down and rating areas remain unchanged from 2019. There are 142 plans available this year, and most Illinois consumers will have more plans to choose from than in 2019. Get Covered Illinois (GCI) is the official health marketplace or “exchange” for Illinois consumers to purchase quality, affordable health insurance, facilitated by the federal government. Open enrollment starts on November 1 and will continue through December 15, 2019.  After the deadline, consumers will not be able to purchase insurance coverage, unless they have a qualifying life event. For information on the Get Covered Illinois Open Enrollment period, visit:

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