Sculptor Honors Maya Angelou

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Miguel Sandoval entered a contest held by the Chicago Urban Art Retreat Center to create a sculpture for their Peace Park to honor black heroes. He was inspired by Maya Angelou who had many jobs other than a poet and a writer. She was a ballet dancer, director, cook, and civil rights leader. He created a sculpture that highlighted her many talents. At the end he created a sculpture that resembled a sunflower, He hand painted the petals resembling the many jobs she had. He also molded a hand from recycled wire and put in on top of a cable dish. Miguel won first prize and a cash prize of $200 for his sculpture. To learn more about Miguel’s journey visit, to learn more about this community garden visit 1952 S. Trumbull Ave. or

Caption: Miguel Sandoval with his sculpture located at 1952 S. Trumbull Ave.

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