O’Hare Airport Workers Call on Chicago Department of Aviation to Launch Investigation

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Joined by Illinois State Senators Ram Villivalam (8th District) and Robert Peters (13th District) and SEIU Local 1, Total Airport Services workers from O’Hare Airport gathered at Federal Plaza Monday morning, ahead of the busy Thanksgiving holiday, to outline major violations of standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at O’Hare. A survey of O’Hare TAS workers shows ongoing and serious unsafe conditions including but not limited to unsafe driving and transportation conditions involving forklifts and aircraft ground support equipment tugs, loaders and transporters provided by the company to its workers; falling hazards from insecure stairs and insecure railings on main deck loaders; hazards of falling cargo due to broken locks; and unsanitary bathrooms without hand soap. “On the job, I’ve faced lots of problems with belt loaders, deck loaders, dollies and tug vehicles, some of which have had bad breaks and faulty seat belts,” said TAS ramp agent Benjamin Chavez. TAS workers at O’Hare are fighting for better airport standards and to win their union with SEIU Local 1.

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