Following a $230 million investment in the Illinois Veterans’ Home through the historic bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan, the Illinois Capital Development Board (CDB) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for teams interested in working on the project. Applications are due on December 11. Interested parties can access the RFP on the Design-Build Projects page of CDB’s website at From there, teams can download the RFP and its attachments to guide them in submitting their proposals. Teams should submit one hard copy and one digital copy of their proposal on a flash drive to the CDB office in Springfield (401 S. Spring St). Any design-build team that is pre-qualified with CDB is eligible to submit a proposal. For assistance with CDB’s prequalification process, vendors can contact a prequalification specialist at or 217-782-2864. CDB will select design-build teams based on scoring of specific criteria laid out in the RFP, such as whether a team includes veteran-owned businesses, prior experience with similar projects, financial capability, and a record of on-time performances. On January 9, CDB will issue an invitation to selected teams to participate in Phase II. Selected teams will then have two months to submit their proposal for a transformation of the veterans’ home campus into a state-of-the-art facility for America’s heroes.
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