State Rep. Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) announced on Sunday night she is considering running in the special election for the 11th District State Senate seat vacated last week by Sen. Martin Sandoval. “It is long past time for ethical, principled, progressive leadership to fight for the working families of the 11th District,” said Rep. Villanueva. “I’ve spent my career as a community organizer, as an advocate for immigrant communities, and now as a progressive state representative standing up for the families of the Southwest Side–and I’m ready to step up and lead the way forward as we bring needed change to this seat.” To ensure she can qualify for the ballot if she does decide to run, Villanueva said, she will need “all hands on deck” to gather the needed 1000-3000 signatures by the December 9th deadline, and said she will need supporters to join in the effort. The sudden resignation of Sen. Sandoval, embroiled in a federal investigation into corruption allegations, triggered the special succession process that will lead to a March 17 special election to fulfill the remaining two years of Sen. Sandoval’s term. Villanueva was sworn into the House of Representatives in July 2018. In her tenure as state representative, she has championed cannabis legalization, the Reproductive Health Act, legislation to protect immigrant rights, and the bill that creates a pathway to a fair income tax.
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