
Yearly Archives: 2019

LSNA Da la Bienvenida a Nueva Ronda de Padres Tutores

LSNA Da la Bienvenida a Nueva Ronda de Padres Tutores

Cientos de nuevos padres se graduaron el jueves, 6 de junio, del Programa Logan Square Neighborhood Association Parent Teacher Mentor en Carl Schurz High School. “Después de demostrar la dedicación… Read more »

Chicago Gana Subsidio Nacional para Establecer Aprendizajes Juveniles

Chicago Gana Subsidio Nacional para Establecer Aprendizajes Juveniles

La CEO de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago, Dra. Janice K Jackson y el Canciller de los Colegios de la Ciudad de Chicago, Juan Salgado, anunciaron que Career Launch Chicago,… Read more »

Paquete de Reformas Eticas para Brindar Mayor Transparencia y Supervisión al Concilio de la Ciudad

Paquete de Reformas Eticas para Brindar Mayor Transparencia y Supervisión al Concilio de la Ciudad

La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot introdujo el miércoles un nuevo paquete de reformas éticas al Concilio de la Ciudad, que aumentarán los requisitos éticos para los miembros del Concilio de… Read more »

La Junta de CPL Confirma a Andrea Telli como Nueva Comisionada

La Junta de CPL Confirma a Andrea Telli como Nueva Comisionada

La Junta Directiva de la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago (CPL) confirmó la nominación de la Alcaldesa Lori Laightfoot de Andrea Telli para Comisionada de CPL. A partir del sábado, 15… Read more »

Sandoval Champions $45 billion Infrastructure Package

Sandoval Champions $45 billion Infrastructure Package

Billions of dollars in funding will be released for construction projects across the state under a bipartisan package of bills approved by the Illinois Senate. The $45 billion construction package… Read more »

Robinson Fights for Tax Relief, Creating Jobs, Expand Access to Health Care

Robinson Fights for Tax Relief, Creating Jobs, Expand Access to Health Care

State Rep. Lamont J. Robinson, Jr., D-Chicago, used this Spring session to fight for a fairer tax system, expand access to job training and child care, create economic opportunity, and… Read more »

MacArthur Foundation Provides CPL at Obama Center with Grant

MacArthur Foundation Provides CPL at Obama Center with Grant

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation announced a $5 million grant to create a new branch of the Chicago Public Library (CPL) at the Obama Presidential Center (OPC)…. Read more »

MCA Hires New Latinx Curator

MCA Hires New Latinx Curator

Michael Darling, Chief Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, announced that internationally recognized curator and scholar of Caribbean and Latin American art Carla Acevedo-Yates has been appointed the… Read more »

Mayor Lightfoot Announces New Chief Engagement Officer

Mayor Lightfoot Announces New Chief Engagement Officer

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced the appointment of Juan Carlos Linares as Chief Engagement Officer for the Office of Public Engagement to lead her administration’s efforts in improving outcomes of… Read more »

June Home-Ownership Campaign Targets First Time Homebuyers

June Home-Ownership Campaign Targets First Time Homebuyers

The Chicago-based Hispanic Housing Development Corporation (HHDC) announced the kick-off of a campaign focused on increasing affordable and first-time homeownership in the Chicago area. The campaign is being launched during… Read more »