
Yearly Archives: 2019

Consejos para Ayudar a los Niños a Aceptar su Condición Unica

Consejos para Ayudar a los Niños a Aceptar su Condición Unica

A algunos niños pequeños no les importa lo que otros piensen de ellos. Si quieren cantar con toda la fuerza de sus pulmones, cantan con toda la fuerza de sus… Read more »

Barra Política

Barra Política

Recopilada por Ashmar Mandou Barra Política es un resumen semanal de comentarios de funcionarios electos del área de Chicago que tratan temas éticos que afectan a sus comunidades. Robinson Aprueba… Read more »

Concejales Recién Elegidos Introducen una Ordenanza para un Consejo de Responsabilidad de la Policía Civil

Concejales Recién Elegidos Introducen una Ordenanza para un Consejo de Responsabilidad de la Policía Civil

El miércoles, diecises recién concejales recientemente elegidos, introdujeron una nueva ordenanza para un Concejo de Responsabilidad de la Policía Civil en el Concilio de la Ciudad. Más de 60,000 personas… Read more »

La Alcaldesa Lightfoot Lanza la Iniciativa ‘Nuestra Ciudad, Nuestra Seguridad’

La Alcaldesa Lightfoot Lanza la Iniciativa ‘Nuestra Ciudad, Nuestra Seguridad’

La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot se unió a los departamentos y agencias de la ciudad para lanzar una iniciativa de la ciudad “Nuestra Ciudad. Nuestra Seguridad”, para promover más de… Read more »

Hundreds in Rally Show Support for Roe vs. Wade

Hundreds in Rally Show Support for Roe vs. Wade

In response to legislation effectively banning abortion in states across the country – most recently including Georgia, Alabama and neighboring Missouri – hundreds of reproductive health care supporters gathered at… Read more »

Avoid Illness While Traveling Memorial Day Weekend

Avoid Illness While Traveling Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer.  According to AAA, more than 41.5 million Americans will travel this Memorial Day weekend by car, plane, or train. Nothing ruins a… Read more »

Department of Public Health Identifies Possible Measles Exposures in Chicago

Department of Public Health Identifies Possible Measles Exposures in Chicago

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) on May 17 identified an individual with a confirmed measles infection in Chicago. CDPH is working closely with the highest-risk locations to contact… Read more »

Illinois Agencies Support Point of Use Filters to Reduce Lead Exposure

Illinois Agencies Support Point of Use Filters to Reduce Lead Exposure

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates there is no safe blood lead level in children. Lead exposures come from a combination of environmental sources, which may include… Read more »

Cook County Health Releases Statement on Federal Regulations, Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority

Cook County Health Releases Statement on Federal Regulations, Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority

Today, the County of Cook, which includes Cook County Health, joined the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago, and many other states and jurisdictions as plaintiffs in a federal… Read more »

Triton College tutor honored for work with adult learners

Triton College tutor honored for work with adult learners

Triton College Access to Literacy Program tutor Jim Jacob recently received the 2019 Outstanding Tutor Award from Literacy Volunteers of Illinois and the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Center for… Read more »