For the past several weeks, most Americans have been sitting at home, social distancing from both family and friends. But with summer drawing near, many of us are simply tired and that need for normalcy or longing for life as it was once was, is overwhelmingly real. “From birth, we as human beings need that touch, that interaction with others. Social interaction is vital to who we are as a society and the fact that it was taken away so abruptly is jarring for most of us,” says Dr. Pavan Prasad, founder of Chicago’s Clarity Clinic. That need is ever so visible as dozens of states across the U.S. have started to open and thousands are flocking to both beaches and restaurants despite the potential threat. Even so, thousands more remain at home, leery of returning to what once was considered normal.
“America is very polarized right now. There are multiple conspiracy theories floating around whether it be via YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter. Some believe COVID-19 is simply a hoax, others believe their freedoms are being ripped from their hands before their very eyes. Then the other half are turning to science and history and view this threat as very real,” says Dr. Prasad. “Sometimes in time of great stress, we search for simple answers or fixes to overly complex problems. It allows us to feel that we are in control when we are clearly not. Seeing this pandemic as simply an act of God or nature may not give us the clear-cut definitive answer we are searching for, it doesn’t solve the problem right now and that is what many are searching for, a way to move on,” adds Prasad.
That feeling of control in large part lies on re-opening and restarting our economy. Millions have lost jobs, food pantry lines across the country are astounding. As Illinois nears closer to Phase 3 of the Governor’s plan, and we see manufacturing, offices, retail, barbershops, and salons reopen it gives us hope. “Despite all the devastating loss, we have seen great things come out this pandemic, neighbors helping neighbors, strangers becoming friends, our healthcare heroes so selflessly putting their lives on the line each day. We have also seen the worst parts of America as well,” remarks Prasad. “But it’s the best parts we need to hold on too, those are the ones that will see us through just as they did during 9-11,” notes Prasad.
If you are feeling hopeless right now or simply need someone to listen, please seek professional help. Though patients are not able to be seen in an office setting right now, professionals are still available via telehealth. “Right now, it is imperative to keep your mental health a priority. Make sure you continue to check in on family members, friends, neighbors, not just physically, but mentally. And if the need arises, our virtual offices are open, we are here for you,” says Prasad.