The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago announced that it is permanently closing three of its 17 Y centers – the Leaning Tower YMCA in Niles, the Lattof YMCA in Des Plaines, and the Kroehler Family YMCA in north Naperville. Effective June 1, 2020, the decision is necessary to safeguard the financial stability of the association so that it can continue to serve families and youth across the Chicagoland area. Residents at the Leaning Tower housing complex will not be affected by the closure of the adjacent membership center. The three facilities have been operating at a loss for several years prior to the coronavirus outbreak, mainly due to the rising costs of maintaining the aging buildings that house the operations. The buildings have all reached the end of their serviceable life and require sizeable investments for repairs and improvements. Consequently, all three locations have experienced declining membership and program enrollment in recent years. The Y remains committed to families and youth in Niles, Des Plaines, and Naperville and is vigorously exploring alternative ways to serve local families through creative community partnerships in the three locations. It already operates Safe ‘n Sound, a popular and robust child care and camp program that will continue to be offered at local schools in Naperville. More collaborations are expected to be announced this summer.
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