Primo Center, Chicago’s largest and highest performing provider of services and shelter for homeless children and their families, becomes the first Chicago recipient and partner of Global Gift Registry. Created during the COVID-19 crisis, The Global Gift Registry, channels the resources of a diverse group of women to provide essential resources to expectant women and families in vulnerable communities. The Global Gift Registry uses an online platform to organize a giving drive that feels very much like a “virtual baby shower.” As a recipient, Primo Center in partnership with The Global Gift Registry will launch a public online registry on June 28 to secure essentials such as personal hygiene products, bedding, small appliances and cooking and cleaning supplies. The campaign will be active for four weeks and can be found here. To encourage broad participation, making it possible for every income level to participate, item price points range between $1to $100+. To learn more about Primo Center, please visit For more information on this movement, please visit or on social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) @globalgiftregistry.
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