Last weekend, ComEd and NASA astronaut Dr. Ellen Ochoa—the world’s first Latina astronaut and the first Latina to go to space—along with Global STEM Ambassador, Jay Flores, spoke with 50 Chicagoland students as part of a new virtual STEM series created by energy company ComEd to safely bring STEM education and engagement to students during COVID-19: ComEd STEM Home Labs. The event, hosted on the heels of Hispanic Heritage Month, is designed to connect aspiring Latinx STEM students with role models whose lives and experiences resonate with their own. ComEd leaders, including CEO Joe Dominguez, kicked off the event and helped guide conversation between the special guests and students. Over the course of an hour, Dr. Ochoa and Jay shared their personal stories in a live-streamed panel discussion and virtual Q&A, imparting their knowledge and career experiences for students to learn from, and empowering a new generation of Latino STEM leaders. According to the Pew Research Center, Hispanic Americans comprise only seven percent of the STEM workforce in America—a statistic that energy company ComEd has been working to change from within the communities of greater Chicago.
Triton College Launches PEPA Academy March 6, 2025
Artistas Adolescentes Aprenden el Valor de un Arduo Trabajo
Artists Nationwide
Brazilian Students Tour Kirie Water Reclamation Plant
Challenges of Returning to School in Adulthood
Chicago Air and Water Show
Chicago CPS
Chicago Dream Act
Comparta su Historia
Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
Dream Relief Chicago
El Alma de la Fiesta
Ending Summer on the Right Foot
Ensaladas sencillas y deliciosas como plato principal
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Jose Cuervo Tradicional
José Cuervo
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Latin Culture
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Meijer Opens in Berwyn District
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PepsiCo Foundation Apoya Futuros Periodistas Hispanos
PepsiCo Foundation Supports Future Hispanic Journalists
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Teen Artists Learn the Value of Hard Work
Terminando el Verano con el Pie Derecho
Unisono Festival in Pilsen
‘El Chente’