Illinois Action for Children’s Community Parenting Saturation Project is a multi-year, multi-million dollars, philanthropically-fueled effort to support parents and families with a demonstrated need for resources and supports for their children. IAFC announces the three community organizations that have been selected to be recipient partners.
The Community Parenting Saturation Project is a strong reflection of Illinois Action for Children’s focus on Building Strong Families and Powerful Communities™ and aims to demonstrate that communities have the powerful ability to provide resources for families to strengthen the skills and knowledge that benefit their children. According to the latest state-level data from Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS), just one in every four young children in Illinois enters school kindergarten-ready. The Community Parenting Saturation Project aims to close this gap by significantly increasing community engagement with parents.
Illinois Action for Children will provide project oversight and support for the three communities. This includes planning, capacity building, implementation, and sustainability efforts. IAFC will also provide a wide range of training and technical assistance to communities including how to use data for project development, engage families locally, conduct a community needs assessment, and utilize a racial equity approach.