In the wake of months-long nationwide protests against police brutality and misconduct, State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) took the first step toward reforming the criminal justice system last week by filing the Pretrial Fairness Act, which would end cash bail in Illinois. The Pretrial Fairness Act is the culmination of years of work between Peters and advocates, and its most substantial provision is regarding an issue Peters has long fought for: ending cash bail. Under the Act, the imposition of cash bail is prohibited and a presumption of release is guaranteed. The Act will allow for a judge to order pretrial detention if the accused presents a risk of harming others or fleeing. The Act will also allow an arresting officer to release someone they have arrested if the release is in the public interest, with certain exceptions. In addition, the Act will also mandate pretrial data to be collected and released publicly. The Pretrial Fairness Act is Senate Bill 4025. Due to modified Senate procedures as a result of COVID-19, it has not yet been officially read into the record.
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