The Archdiocese of Chicago announced it has named Moira Reilly, LCSW, as Interim Director of the Office for Child Abuse Investigations and Review (CAIR), which works to provide a compassionate and thorough process to receive and investigate reports of abuse against personnel. Reilly fills the position of Leah McCluskey Heffernan, who has accepted the position as Director, Office of Child and Youth Protection for the Diocese of Joliet. Reilly has been working as a case manager for the archdiocese since 2014 – a position that has involved managing the Prayer and Penance Program under which she has monitored priests who have been removed from ministry because of sexual abuse of minors and some who have restrictions on their ministry for any other reason. She has assisted the previous director of Child Abuse Investigations and Review in investigating clergy misconduct and conducting interviews as needed. In this role, she has also responded to archdiocese schools in moments of crisis and has provided a trusted voice for the news media on allegations of abuse. CAIR is available to all individuals who choose to report their abuse as children or who have the knowledge of the abuse of children in the Church.
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