On Saturday, December 12, PepsiCo Beverages North America (PBNA) partnered with community leaders La Casa Norte and #IncreaseThePeace to offer nutritious meals and winter care items to hundreds of community members in need outside PepsiCo’s manufacturing facility at 51st Street on Chicago’s South Side. The partnership is designed to alleviate some of the challenges that Chicago families are facing in a year of extraordinary economic hardship. A recent report from Feeding America estimates that Cook County will have 785,890 food-insecure people this year due to the impact of COVID-19, the third-most in the country. PepsiCo employees have organized and will distribute these care packages, each containing six self-stable meals from PepsiCo’s Food for Good nutrition program, Quaker Chewy Bars, and winter hats, scarves, gloves and hand warmers for a family of four. The care packages were distributed at a no-contact event with all staff following strict safety regulations and adhering to guidelines to ensure proper social distancing.
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Cultura Latina
Delicious Salad Meals
Dream Act
Dream Act chicago
Dream Relief
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Ending Summer on the Right Foot
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