
Yearly Archives: 2020

City on Track to Begin Reopening in Early June

City on Track to Begin Reopening in Early June

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), industry leaders, labor leaders, and public officials from around Chicago, released industry-specific guidelines for businesses, employees,… Read more »

DCASE Announces Millennium Park at Home

DCASE Announces Millennium Park at Home

Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events announced new virtual events for everyone missing Millennium Park’s renowned cultural programming. The new online Millennium Park at Home series on YouTube ( and Facebook (@MillenniumParkChicago) will… Read more »

Independence Library and Apartments wins Architectural Excellence at Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards

Independence Library and Apartments wins Architectural Excellence at Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards

The Independence Library and Apartments, developed through a partnership between Chicago Housing Authority and Chicago Public Library, has won the first place Richard R. Driehaus Foundation Award for Architectural Excellence… Read more »

Avoiding Census Fraud and Scams

Avoiding Census Fraud and Scams

Phishing is a criminal act in which someone tries to get your information by pretending to be an entity that you trust. Phishing emails often direct you to a website… Read more »

CDPH Announces Expansion Mental Health Support

CDPH Announces Expansion Mental Health Support

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced a package of mental health supports for Chicago residents who may be facing challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has… Read more »

State Distributes More Than 13,000 Meals to Local Foodbanks

State Distributes More Than 13,000 Meals to Local Foodbanks

The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) is working with the Department of Human Services and our local emergency managers to address an identified need in our communities. To date, the… Read more »

Triton College to Offer Tracing Training Course

Triton College to Offer Tracing Training Course

Triton College will offer a free Infectious Disease Contact Tracing training course online June 4 -June 25 through the School of Continuing Education. Upon completion of the Triton course students… Read more »

City Launches ‘My Chi. My Future’

City Launches ‘My Chi. My Future’

At a citywide virtual youth summit, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and First Lady Amy Eshleman launched “My CHI. My Future.”(MCMF) – a multi-year, youth-focused initiative designed to connect youth across… Read more »

Governor Pritzker Announces Plan to Expand Child Care in Next Phases

Governor Pritzker Announces Plan to Expand Child Care in Next Phases

Building on a statewide effort to ensure Illinois can safely reopen and families can return back to work, Governor Pritzker announced the state’s plan for a gradual reopening of child… Read more »

Lilly Backs Balanced Budget and Protections for Families, Workers and Voters in Pandemic Response Special Session

Lilly Backs Balanced Budget and Protections for Families, Workers and Voters in Pandemic Response Special Session

State Rep. Camille Y. Lilly, D-Chicago, advanced significant protections for families, workers and voters during a special session of the Illinois General Assembly to address issues arising from the COVID-19… Read more »