
Yearly Archives: 2020

Illinois General Assembly Provides Over $90 Million in Key Relief to Address Disparities

Illinois General Assembly Provides Over $90 Million in Key Relief to Address Disparities

Courtesy of Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights The Illinois General Assembly has concluded its special session to pass a state budget and address the COVID-19 pandemic.  As part… Read more »

Rep. Delia C. Ramirez Secures Relief for Renters and Homeowners Impacted by COVID-19

Rep. Delia C. Ramirez Secures Relief for Renters and Homeowners Impacted by COVID-19

State Rep. Delia C. Ramirez, D-Chicago, is proud to announce the creation of a fund to provide emergency rental and mortgage assistance grants to tenants and homeowners impacted by the… Read more »

Seguimiento de casos en Chicago

Seguimiento de casos en Chicago

Por: Ashmar Mandou A medida que la Ciudad de Chicago se compromete a reabrir más negocios en las próximas semanas, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago anunció su plan… Read more »

Evitar el fraude y las estafas del censo

Evitar el fraude y las estafas del censo

El phishing es un acto criminal en el que alguien intenta obtener su información fingiendo ser una entidad en la que confía. Los correos electrónicos de suplantación de identidad (phishing)… Read more »

CDPH Anuncia Expansión de Apoyo a la Salud Mental

CDPH Anuncia Expansión de Apoyo a la Salud Mental

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) anunció un paquete de apoyos de salud mental para los residentes de Chicago que pueden enfrentar desafíos debido a la pandemia COVID-19…. Read more »

Triton College ofrecerá curso de capacitación en rastreo

Triton College ofrecerá curso de capacitación en rastreo

Triton College ofrecerá un curso de capacitación gratuito de Seguimiento de contactos de enfermedades infecciosas en línea del 4 de junio al 25 de junio a través de la Escuela… Read more »

La representante Delia C. Ramírez asegura ayuda para inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas afectados por COVID-19

La representante Delia C. Ramírez asegura ayuda para inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas afectados por COVID-19

La representante estatal Delia C. Ramírez, demócrata de Chicago, se enorgullece en anunciar la creación de un fondo para proporcionar subvenciones de emergencia de alquiler y asistencia hipotecaria a inquilinos… Read more »

RTA Study Potential Improvements

RTA Study Potential Improvements

The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) recently completed a study of potential service improvements along Metra’s North Central Service (NCS) line and the feasibility of various funding mechanisms to support those… Read more »

Humboldt Park Developer Says Pandemic Is Right Time to Build Affordable Housing

Humboldt Park Developer Says Pandemic Is Right Time to Build Affordable Housing

By Yolanda Y. Harris Now that COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, Luis Castro and his wife Marsha, co-owners of L&MC Investments, are determined now more than ever to… Read more »

ICJIA Announces $31.5 Million in Grant Opportunities to Support the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) Program

ICJIA Announces $31.5 Million in Grant Opportunities to Support the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) Program

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) announced two funding opportunities to support Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) programming in historically underserved communities across Illinois. Grants are available for community… Read more »