The Odyssey Project, an initiative of Illinois Humanities and an affiliate of the Clemente Course in the Humanities, is a free college-credit granting humanities-based program for income-eligible adults who have limited to no access to a college education. Over 75 percent of Odyssey students are women and over 90 percent are people of color. More than 80 percent self-identify as heads of households. The median age of students in the Odyssey Project is 39 years old. Through reading, discussing and writing about ideas and texts in Literature, Philosophy, Art History, and U.S. History in seminars facilitated by local college and university professors, students and faculty in the Odyssey Project commit to engaging with one another and to developing a critical response to our changing world. Participating students have the opportunity to earn up to 11 credits from University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) that are transferrable to UIC or other accredited degree programs. This is a very real option for Odyssey graduates, as nearly 40 percent have gone on to complete degrees ranging from Associates Degrees to Masters Degrees. Each site has a site coordinator and a unique set of courses and instructors. Their Southwest Side site is a Spanish-language program – El Proyecto Odisea – and remains the only Spanish-language program on the national Clemente Course roster. For more information, please contact Rebecca Amato, Director of Teaching and Learning, at or 312-374-1550.
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Chicago Air and Water Show
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Comparta su Historia
Cultura Latina
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