North Riverside Park Mall announced its first ever “Art is in the Air” Umbrella Art Project, taking place now through June 30, 2021. The mall is seeking creative individuals of all ages to participate in the unique event to decorate white, paper parasols for a chance to win a mall gift card. Guests will be asked to pick-up, decorate and return the parasols between May 1-31 and then the parasols will be hung around the mall throughout the month of June. To enter the Umbrella Art Contest:
• Shoppers can pick up a white, paper parasol at the mall’s Customer Service Center anytime during the month of May.
• Shoppers will decorate the parasol at home using paint, markers or anything creative to enhance the appearance of the parasol.
• Shoppers will bring back the decorated parasol to the Customer Service Center by May 31, 2021.
• The parasols will be hung throughout the mall, which will be open for voting June 1-30, 2021.
For more information about North Riverside Park Mall, its stores, hours and events – including the winners of the Umbrella Art Project and Contest – please visit: