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Terminando el Verano con el Pie Derecho
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‘El Chente’
Conversing With The Devil
By Daniel Nardini
But back to Venezuela. I do not know what alternate reality the DSA is living in, but it does not take a right wing loony to see that the current Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a one-party dictatorship that intentionally starves the majority of its people and has made conditions so bad throughout the country that five million Venezuelans have fled the country (15 percent of the population) to countries throughout the Americas including the United States. Maduro uses the military to keep himself in power, and is receiving a massive amount of aid, money, resources and military equipment from China, Iran, Russia and Turkey. Maduro is the fattest man in the country as almost all of his people are barely able to eat even one or two meals a day if they are lucky (some of it food not even fit for consumption). His secret police have imprisoned thousands, even tens of thousands of innocent people for protesting or even just being suspected of being disloyal to the government.
Is this the socialist democracy the DSA upholds? As bad as things may be in many parts of South America where so many Venezuelans have fled to, and as marginal as their existence may be in so many Latin American countries, they are still better off than being in Venezuela itself. The Venezuelan refugee crisis is the largest in the Americas, and I have to wonder why the DSA ignores this?! I guess this did not come up in conversation with Maduro when members of the DSA met with him. Why is the DSA still supporting a monster like this in 2021? This meeting took place in July of this year. All of the information I have described above is pretty well known. Personally, there are too many questions about what the DSA’s stance is with Venezuela, and I simply do not like the answers.