The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) is hosting a hiring fair for anyone interested in learning about the agency’s career opportunities. Prospective applicants are encouraged to stop by the event on July 20, 2021 at the Chester Eagles Club anytime between 10a.m., and 2p.m. The Eagles Club is located at 402 Hacker Street in Chester, Illinois. IDOC recruiters, as well as representatives from the Illinois Nurses Association, AFSCME Council 31 and Wexford Health, will be on hand to answer questions and help individuals apply on the spot. On-site interviews for nurses will also take place at the event. IDOC is currently seeking correctional officers, nurses, wardens, office associates, social workers and more to join its team. The State of Illinois offers competitive wages; health, vision, and dental insurance; vacation, sick and personal days, wellness program; upward mobility program; deferred compensation plan; and a retirement plan. There are job opportunities at more than 30 statewide IDOC locations, including Menard Correctional Center. For questions, email
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