The Town of Cicero will issue fines of $750 for individuals caught using illegal fireworks during this Fourth of July season, Town President Larry Dominick announced. Last year, we saw many serious accidents in the Town of Cicero involving individuals who used their own fireworks,” Dominick cautioned. Dominick noted that last year, a woman lost three of fingers from a fireworks explosion in her hand. Another man lost his entire left arm when the fireworks exploded. And a young child lost an eye, Dominick said. “These were terrible tragedies that could have easily been avoided,” Dominick said. “Avoid serious injuries. Leave the fireworks to the professionals. Don’t jeopardize your safety or the safety of your loved ones by playing with fireworks. They can be very dangerous in the wrong hands.” The Town of Cicero Police will aggressively enforce the law banning the use of fireworks. “If you are caught using fireworks, you will be arrested and you will face a $750 fine,” Dominick said. “This is to enforce the public safety.” There is no Town of Cicero Fireworks Display planned for the July 4th Weekend as the town and community come out of Coronavirus restrictions. Instead, President Dominick urged residents to enjoy the public fireworks displays including one planned by the Town of Cicero for the annual carnival that will be held from August 5 through August 8th at Cicero Community Park at 34th and Laramie Avenue. The fireworks display will be showcased at dusk on Sunday,August 8.
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