This National Voter Registration Month Chicago Votes, a nonpartisan, non-profit organization is urging state lawmakers to pass Senate Bill 828 (SB 828) and restore voting rights to the state’s prison population during the upcoming veto session. Each Tuesday Chicago Votes hosts Voting in Prison Advocacy Evenings where young people throughout Chicago and Illinois gather to digitally advocate, tweet, call, and email their lawmakers to ask for their support of SB 828. The Illinois Constitution states that a person in prison “shall lose the right to vote, which right shall be restored not later than upon completion of his sentence.” The exact length of disenfranchisement is not specified. However, the Illinois Election Code specifies the length, prohibiting any person that is serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution from voting throughout the duration of their sentence. SB 828 repeals the Election Code provisions and restores the right to vote to people 14 days post-conviction. Chicago Votes is a non-partisan, non-profit organization working at the intersection of activism, education, and politics in order to make democracy more inclusive, just, and accessible. The organization is advocating for Senate Bill 828, Voting in Prison.
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