As a part of the Illinois Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Coalition’s Equity in Construction Jobs Committee, Committee Co-Chair & MWRD Commissioner Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda, Comptroller Susana Mendoza, State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado, and Chicago Alderman George Cardenas toured Wheeling High School’s Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades (METT) Pathway. Harper Community College VP of Strategic Alliances Dr. Maria Coons was also in attendance. Wheeling High School’s METT Pathway is a vocational program that is regionally recognized for its equitable approach to promoting a career pipeline to the construction trades among a highly diverse student body. During the tour, the elected officials engaged with students in the nanotechnology and manufacturing labs, where they were working to create robotics, high-mileage vehicles, and more. Representing the largest minority demographic in Illinois, the Equity in Construction Jobs Committee seeks to ensure that Latinos are proportionately represented in the construction industry. The committee’s mission is to expand industry access to Latino businesses and workers and to establish a vibrant career pipeline to construction careers through collaboration between government, business, educational institutions, and organized labor.
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