A special Blue Mass to honor First Responders will take place at St. Odilo Catholic Church (2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402) on Friday, October 15, 2021 at 1:00p.m. The service, led by Father Barthholomew J. Juncer, will pay tribute to members of both the Police and Fire Departments. Berwyn’s First Responders invite the community, neighboring police and fire departments, and family and friends of both current and former First Responders to attend the commemorative service. While this is the first time a Blue Mass will be held in Berwyn, IL, it is not the first ever of its-kind. The long-standing tradition of the annual event started on September 29, 1934 in Washington D.C. when Reverend Thomas Dade first organized the event. Although the nationwide celebration is typically held in a Catholic church, the events are generally considered to be non-denominational. The color blue refers to the blue colored uniforms predominantly worn by police and those in public safety. The service honors those who have died serving in the line of duty and all those who are currently serving in Public Safety. It is an opportunity for the community to band together and demonstrate their support and gratitude for first responders and their families.
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