The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced $38 million in federal funding to identify and support students experiencing housing insecurity. The funding will bolster schools’ efforts to identify students in temporary living situations and provide them with services. Students in many different living situations qualify for extra resources. The additional funding aims to help schools overcome barriers to identifying students for services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools statewide identified 17 percent fewer students to receive services related to housing insecurity last school year compared to the year before. The number of students identified statewide dropped from 38,898 to 32,301. A new study by the University of Chicago’s Inclusive Economy Lab found that housing insecurity can affect students’ grade point averages, attendance rates, and graduation rates. The extra funding for schools will help ensure students experiencing housing insecurity have equitable opportunities by covering the costs of school fees and school supplies; transportation to and from school, extracurricular activities, and appointments; counseling; and other supports. Students experiencing housing insecurity have the right to stay in their school of origin or choose to attend the school where they are staying. Students and families with questions about whether or not they qualify for extra services can call ISBE’s hotline at 1-800- 215-6379 or learn more at
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