This holiday season the McDonald’s Hispanic Owner-Operators Association (MHOA) joined the Black McDonald’s Operators Association (BMOA) to present once again the annual program Food for the Body & Spirit. The Northern Illinois Food Bank and Bimbo Bakeries USA also joined this community effort throughout Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana. “The Food for the Body & Spirit program’s main objective is to help those communities most affected by unemployment and poverty,” said Carmen Solano De Carrier, president of MHOA, “and that is why we are committed to distribute the 1,500 turkeys at McDonald’s restaurants to individuals and families most in need with this program.” Those attending received turkeys and trimmings that will make this holiday season a little brighter than last year’s. Considering all the planned events along with the other partners, the total distribution in was expanded this year to 15 locations and 5,500 turkeys and boxes of trimmings. A special aspect of these events was to honor veterans in acknowledgement of their service to this country. Any veteran attending any Food for the Body & Spirit event that presented valid proof of their status, was able to use a VIP line ahead of the general public to receive their Thanksgiving package. In addition, all the veterans received a special gift.
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