As part of a broad, long-term effort to improve the State’s early childhood education and care system, Illinois has committed to creating regional councils to promote the growth of high-quality early childhood programs across the State. A series of virtual, regional kick-off events will be held the first week of February to discuss the role of these regional councils, build regional stakeholders’ knowledge of early childhood, and introduce data about existing services within each region. In partnership with the state of Illinois, the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) has launched Birth to Five Illinois with the goal of recruiting family members, providers, advocates, business leaders, and other stakeholders to serve on Birth to Five Action Councils in each of the 39 educational regions established by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) but operating independently. These councils will enable local residents and civic leaders to address early childhood needs within their own communities by gathering input that will inform local and state policy around early childhood needs and gaps, and leverage resources in their community to increase quality services. The Birth to Five Illinois virtual kick-off events will be held from 6-7pm on February 1, 2, and 3, 2022. There will also be a Spanish session on February 5, 2022, from 10-11am. Registration is organized by county, and all are welcome to attend. For more information on the Birth to Five Action Councils and the upcoming kick-off events, please visit
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