The City of Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management & Communications (OEMC) is reintroducing the Smart911 to residents of Chicago to ensure that this important public safety tool is being utilized by all Chicago residents. The City’s Smart911 program allows residents the ability to provide critical information when calling 9-1-1 in an emergency. The information provided aids call-takers in getting the proper help that is needed such as, medical history and medications, the apartment or house layout, number of residents and pets in the home, disabilities, emergency contacts and more. Chicago’s 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers play a critical role in their community, helping those in need during what are often their most stressful moments. In April during 9-1-1 Education Month, National Public Safety Telecommunicators week (April 10-16) and on Smart911 Day (April 30), OEMC will honor unsung public safety heroes by urging residents to create a Smart911 profile. Watch for more Smart911 information in the coming months on social media, at community meetings, in broadcast and other exciting events. All Smart911 profiles are free and private. Your profile will only appear to the call taker for the duration of a 9-1-1 call. To join the Smart911 community to protect the ones you love, residents can create a free safety profile by visiting or by downloading the Smart911 App.
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