Back 2 School Illinois (B2SI), a Chicago-based nonprofit that provides tens of thousands of deserving kids from low-income families with free school supplies each year to help them succeed in the classroom, is pleased to announce the launch of its 2022 We Appreciate Teachers contest, beginning this week. The statewide initiative is designed to celebrate and support Illinois educators, particularly during COVID-19, by rewarding fifteen winning teachers with 30 Back 2 School Illinois kits (full of vital school supplies) for their entire classroom of students. The winners will also receive gift baskets and will be treated to a luxurious evening of champagne and hors d’oeuvres at a Chicago reception on May 2nd. Anyone can submit a contest application on behalf of a teacher, including the teacher himself/herself. The teacher must be currently employed by a school in Illinois. To participate, interested parties should complete the online We Appreciate Teachers contest application, or print out and complete the application form off the B2SI website, and then mail it in to B2SI. All applications must be completed no later than April 1st, 2022 and include an essay (250 to 500 words) explaining how the nominated teacher goes above and beyond to positively impact their students’ lives. Winning teachers will be notified by April 11th.
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