Last week, after a unanimous Senate vote, the Illinois legislature passed House Bill 4388, an initiative of the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter to ensure that all emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics receive regular dementia training. This first-in-the-nation training requirement will help paramedics recognize the signs and symptoms of dementia as well as be able to effectively communicate with people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. House Bill 4388 requires that EMTs and paramedics dedicate one (1) hour of their existing training requirements prior to relicensure to education on recognizing signs and symptoms of dementia, the care and treatment of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, as well as effective communication strategies with this vulnerable population. According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2022 Facts and Figures report released in mid-March the number of Illinois residents with Alzheimer’s is expected to increase 13 percent by 2025. The chief sponsors of House Bill 4388 were Senator Celina Villanueva and Representative Margaret Croke. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in both chambers – the Illinois Senate on a vote of 53-0-0 and the Illinois House on a vote of 98-11-2. It now heads to Governor Pritzker’s desk for his signature.
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