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‘El Chente’
Striking Closer to Home Than We Think
By Daniel Nardini
It is not likely that the Russian military will be doing anything against Alaska anytime soon. The Russian military did a horrible job in Ukraine. Interestingly enough, Alaska is 2.5 times larger than Ukraine, and Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. And because Alaska is separated by water, it will be much harder for an aggressor to launch an attack against Alaska than it was for Russia to launch an attack against Ukraine. Even though Ukraine was outmatched militarily compared to Russia (Ukraine only had 209,000 men under arms compared to Russia’s 900,000 before the war), the Ukrainian military beat the cr-p out of Russian forces and won the Battle for Kyiv. This shows all too clearly that the state of the Russian armed forces is pretty bad to lose to a clearly outmatched opponent whose only strength is being more than willing to fight.
If Russia even remotely tried to take Alaska, its forces would be obliterated. Our navy is more than a match for Russia’s, and we have a defense grid which would wipe out any Russian invasion before it could possibly establish a beachhead in Alaska. Besides, America’s military logistics in getting men and weaponry to any place in the United States or anywhere in the world is vastly superior to Russia’s. If Russia could not logistically supply its army adequately to fight the Ukrainians next door, how can the Russian military even begin to attack and sustain that attack against Alaska? Personally, it shows that the Russian government and Russian military is far, far less of a threat than we had imagined it ever would be. Nevertheless, the implied threat shows a Russian government that is not stable mentally or physically, and we must as a nation remain vigilant against any potential threats to our sovereignty no matter where they come from.