Bringing home a baby is the start of a lifetime journey – but one without a roadmap for new parents. The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) is bridging that gap by gathering the best information and advice for new parents from dozens of experts and compiling it all into a guidebook to be distributed to new and excited parents. “Bringing Baby Home – A Guide to Life with Your New Baby,” is a 150-page, spiral bound book CDPH produced as a companion to its new OneChiFam website. The book and website offer a roadmap to what new parents can expect with a child. The resources will help answer questions many parents have before and after they bring their baby home. The books will be included with 5,000 baby care kits distributed via a partnership with Cradles to Crayons, a national nonprofit providing children living in low-income or homeless situations with the essentials they need to thrive. The baby care kits include basic items that every new caregiver needs, including diapers, a hygiene kit with baby shampoo, baby lotion, baby bath, and diaper cream, as well as a Chicago Public Library ‘Baby Scrapbook.’ The kits will be distributed to people delivering at select CDPH partner hospitals on the South and West Sides. For more information, visit
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