The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) encourages everyone to leave fireworks to the professionals. Every year across the state, accidental fires, burn injuries, loss of limbs, and deaths occur due to the use of fireworks. According to the National Fire Protection Association, an estimated 19,500 fires started by fireworks were reported to local fire departments in the US during 2018. These fires caused five civilian deaths, 46 civilian injuries, and $105 million indirect property damage in the United States. These fires are not only caused by commercial/consumer fireworks, but also by unregulated novelty fireworks that are sometimes purchased at local supermarkets. Sparklers account for the greatest number of fireworks injuries, and often to the youngest victims. Sparklers burn in excess of 1,200 degrees – hot enough to melt many metals and turn steel glowing red. An instantaneous touch will cause a burn and may result in permanent damage or scarring. During the July seasonal reporting period, 60 hospitals and facilities reported a total of 202 fireworks related injuries and one fatality during the 2021 reporting period. Over half of all injuries (57%) occurred to persons over 22 years of age. Children’s injuries in the 11-16 age group increased (29) from the previous year of 23. More than 50 percent of all injuries affected hands, followed by injuries to the head/face and eyes. Second degree burns were the leading type of injury followed by first degree burns.
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