In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Loretto Hospital is offering free mammograms for uninsured and underinsured residents of the Austin community throughout the month of October. Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer among all women. While the incidence of breast cancer is slightly lower among Black women than their white counterparts, Black women have a higher rate of breast cancer deaths – possibly because cancers tend to be detected at a later stage in Blacks than whites. The five-year survival rate for Black women diagnosed with breast cancer is 71 percent, compared to 87 percent for white women. The West side hospital offers state-of-the-art breast tomosynthesis technology, which utilizes low-dose x-rays to produce a three-dimensional image of the breast tissue, thus helping radiologists detect cancer when it is most treatable. This Food and Drug Administration-approved technology is considered superior to conventional 2D mammography alone, especially for women with dense tissue. The 3D images can separate breast tissue that may appear overlapping in 2D imaging. Free screening mammograms are available to Austin residents living in the 60651, 60644, 60624, 60623 and 60612 zip codes. Women outside these zip codes can take advantage of Loretto’s reduced rate, $75 mammograms throughout the month of October. Certain restrictions apply. For additional information, call 833-TLH-LOVE or visit
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