On Wednesday, November 9, ComEd opened the doors to a 10,000 square-foot energy education community center, the Powering Lives Community Center, in Avondale. The new state-of-the-art facility, located at 3420 N. California Ave., will be free and open to all northern Illinois residents to schedule a visit to their hands-on exhibit, Our Energy, Our Future, that uses interactive kiosks that encourage guests to learn how energy is used and distributed throughout Chicago and the path ComEd is taking toward a clean and renewable future. The energy education community center is fully ADA compliant and is available in English and Spanish. The exhibit also includes a home space that represents energy consumption in a traditional Chicago Bungalow, three STEM challenges suited for 8th graders and above, seven interactive kiosks and a meeting space that will be open for residents to reserve and host community events. The community center is part of the newly-constructed 104,000-square-foot ComEd headquarter operations in Chicago North and is LEED Platinum certified. The headquarters houses 600 ComEd workers which helps ensure the delivery of safe and reliable energy for more than one million ComEd customers. More than 50 percent or the construction work was done by woman- or minority-owned contractors and the space was constructed using energy efficient products.
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