Legislation introduced in the Illinois General Assembly by State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (D-17) will give victims of doxing the ability to seek civil recourse from their attacker, something doxing victims are unable to currently do in Illinois. Doxing is the act of sharing an individual’s personal information with the intent to cause the individual harm. Senator Julie Morrison (D-29) will carry the legislation in the Illinois State Senate. Supported by a diverse coalition of civil rights, domestic violence and anti-hate groups, the legislation creates an important deterrent to doxing and gives victims a voice in the aftermath of immense harm. Similar civil anti-doxing bills were recently signed into law in Maryland, Nevada, and Oregon, and the Washington State Legislature recently advanced a similar bill during its current legislative session. ADL (Anti-Defamation League) Midwest has been working with Representative Gong-Gershowitz and coalition members on the bill for the last six months in response to a dramatic increase in online hate in recent years. Other Anti-Doxing Coalition members include the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ILCADV), Chinese American Service League (CASL), Chicago Urban League, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), and Access Living.
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