Two Chicago Public Schools (CPS) magnet schools have been awarded a five-year Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) grant to increase diversity and promote educational innovation. John J. Pershing Elementary Humanities Magnet and Maria Saucedo Elementary Scholastic Academy will transform into STEAM magnet schools, providing equitable access to high-quality STEM and Arts education. The MSAP grant is designed to eliminate barriers and increase access to high-quality education for diverse students by building capacity and supporting innovative instructional programs at selected magnet schools. Pershing and Saucedo will each use the MSAP grant to develop innovative spaces, including a digital media lab, STEM lab and makerspace to serve as incubators in the integration of STEM concepts into all content areas and grade levels. Both CPS schools will also partner with high school and post-secondary, museums and industry partners to afford their students authentic, real-world learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. This is the second MSAP grant awarded to CPS schools in the past five years. In 2017, CPS received nearly $15 million to transform three neighborhood schools into magnet STEM schools: William H. Brown Elementary School, Claremont Academy Elementary School, and Joseph Jungman Elementary School. All three schools implemented an innovative STEM curriculum while increasing enrollment and promoting student diversity, with Jungman reducing minority student isolation by 25 percent, Claremont by seven percent, and Brown by one percent. Each school also increased parent involvement at school events by 110 percent.
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